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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  October 18, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning to our viewers in the west it is thursday october 18th, 2012. welcome to "cbs this morning." new details in the alleged wall street terror plot. now the fbi looks to round up potential accomplices. >> the presidential candidates spar overwhelm, binders and battleground states. his death sparked a political firestorm. we speak to the mother of ambassador chris stevens. we begin with a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> this individual came here for the purpose of committing some sort of jihad here in the united states. >> the fbi foil ss a bomb plot in new york city. >> 21-year-old bag la desh
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bangladeshan taken into custody by federal authorities. >> tried to detonate what he thought was a real 1,000-pound bomb. >> taped a video, claiming victory for al qaeda and terror. started talking about binder s s. he had to go and ask where a qualified woman with was, he should have come to my house. >> and the debate is still very much on people's minds, apparently mitt romney's son, tagg. >> twhas like for you to hear the president of the united states call your dad a liar? >> you want to rush down to the stage and take a swing at him but you know you can't do that. >> by 2013 it will all be digital, "newsweek." storms rolled through the deep south. a lot of people without power this morning. mississippi appears to be the hardest hit. final flight of a german military plane almost turned into a disaster. missing the crowd just a few feet. the bay area is buzzing.
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there was a brilliant flash and big boom in the sky. >> oh, my god, what's that? aall that -- >> game over. >> even he can't hold her back. >> -- that matters. >> and now this is how i know we're done. >> on "cbs this morning." >> you sounded like an undecided voter. are you still undecided ? >> i think i made a decision. >> he is no longer undecided. >> when asked to elaborate, he said i am definite lyly moving to canada. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." terror attack in lower manhattan wednesday never happened. instead the justice department announced an fbi sting operation dis disrupted a plot to blow up the u.s. federal reserve.
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>> a suspect from bangladesh is being held without bail. he is accused of trying to use a weapon of mass destruction and supporting al qaeda. good morning. >> good morning, norah. this was a dark and bold plot to target a crowded street in the heart of the financial district to unleash a massive explosion to kill hundreds and strike at the symbol of the u.s. economy, but forrom almost the start the co-conspiratorers were working for the fbi. 21-year-old quazimohammad nafis arrived to study cyber security. he placed what he believed to be a 1,000-pound truck bomb in front of the federal reserve bank in new york city just three blocks from ground zero. >> he came here in january of this year. he gets a student visa under the pretext of being a student at a college in missouri. and he comes here with the
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devout purpose of committing some sort of jihad here in the united states. >> reporter: according to the fbi, on wednesday morning, nafis drove to the bank parked the van outside and walked across the street to the millennium hotel where he recorded a video, claiming responsibility for the attack in the name of al qaeda. the fbi had designed the bomb to be harmless. in court documents, the fbi says nafis told the undercover agent, i just want something big, something very big that will shake the whole country, that will make us one step closer to run the whole world. on wednesday night, federal agents were seen carrying out boxes of evidence from his apartment, where his neighbors were stunned by the news. >> i'm just horrified about this because i had no idea that whoever this guy is would do
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that. >> reporter: in conversations recorded by the fbi, nafis allegedly said he admired the american-born cleric anwar al aw awl aaki that inspired the underwear bomber and ft. hood shooter. even after awlaki was killed in a u.s. drone strike, his magazine called "inspire" provided nafis with the outlines for his plot. >> there are still individuals and groups indeed, around the world who have bought into the al qaeda narrative who have some kind of vague blueprint in their mind which involves new york and the united states and explosives and who wish to do harm. >> this investigation is ongoing. the fbi is still talking to at least five friends and associates of the suspect. one man who voiced his support during the plotting of a violent act were nafis' plans was picked up in san diego late wednesday afternoon. this is still unfolding.
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>> he may or may not have been acting alone? >> that's a big question. his own statements are that he was already in contact with an al qaeda network before he arrived in the united states. so it opens the question -- and they'll delve into this now. was he by himself or was he part of a network? did somebody send him or did he just show up? >> what do we know about the bomb he wanted to use? >> this is aa 1,000-pound bomb. through the tapes you allegedly hear him saying i want something big, big, big. compare that to the 1993 world trade center bomb that was about the same size tore through three levels of concrete garages up to the lobby of the building. this would have been a massive device on the street. >> but the bomb never would have worked? >> it was designed with fuel oil and fertilizer but also in a way that it wouldn't function. >> john miller thank you. now to the race for the white house. mitt romney's reference to binders full of women has
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republicans on the attack and democrats pushing back. jan crawford has this story for us. >> he meant to say binders full of women's resumes. that was an important word left out there. and the vice president is talking about it in nevada later on this morning as these candidates reach out for that all-important women's vote. from president obama in iowa -- >> young women graduate they should get equal pay for equal work. >> reporter: to mitt romney in virginia. >> there are 3.6 million more women in poverty today. >> reporter: the presidential candidates spent wednesday trying to connect with women. reacting in part from a moment on tuesday's debate that went viral. conversation on equal pay, romney recalled his search as massachusetts governor for qualified women advisers. >> i went to a number of women's groups and said can you help us
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find folks? >> reporter: but then he continued. >> they brought us whole binders full of women. >> reporter: overnight his binders of women comment caught fire much as another image, big bird did the last debate. the binders now have a facebook page twitter account, thousands of google images and even has inspired spirit airlines to launch an online promotion. it also gave the obama campaign ammunition. >> we don't have to collect a bunch of binders to find qualified talent and driven young women. >> the idea he had to go and ask where a qualified woman was -- he should have just come to my house. he didn't need a binder. >> reporter: the binder buzz comes as recent polls show romney closing the gender gap between president obama in key swing states. romney fought back yesterday by attacking the president's record on the economy. >> this is a presidency that has not helped america's women. as i go across the country and ask women, what can i do to help, what they speak about, day
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in and day out is help me find a good job. >> reporter: romney's push for women voters also includes a new ad intended to counter criticism and correct misconceptions about his views on social issues. >> turns out romney doesn't oppose contraception at all. he thinks abortion should be an option in the cases of rape incest or to save a mother's life. >> reporter: the other thing people are talking about yesterday was that contentiousness. it was almost like hostility that we saw in a debate. last night, romney's oldest son, tagg even weighed in. telling a radio station what he felt likes a family member to watch that. >> i'm going to ask you something i knowy lot of people want to know. what is it like for you to watch with the president of the united states call your dad a liar? how do you react to that? >> well you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at
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him. you can't do that because -- well first there's a lot of secret service between you and him. >> some people thought the secret service was going to have to jump up on the stage at points and break it up between the two candidates. charlie and norah? >> jan, thank you. reportedly ready to play chicken on the edge of the fiscal cliff. >> he plans to veto any bill to head up automatic tax hikes and spending cuts unless congressional republicans agree to raise tax rates for families making more than $250,000 a year. bill plante is at the white house. what are you hearing about this? >> reporter: morning. good morning out west. that's right. our sources say that the white house has sent word to capitol hill that the president is determined to get rid of those bush tax cuts for families making over $250,000 a year. now, he has been promising that for four years. it's not new. he is willing to use his veto power to do it. here is what will happen next january 1st if the president and congress don't come to some kind
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of agreement. taxes will go up for almost everyone. there will be huge cuts in the military budget and in domestic programs, all of which could lead to another recession. so whether he wins or not in november, the president is really in the driver's seat after the election. because if he wins, he will have a strong negotiating hand with congress. and if he loses, he could assure that tax rates go up for everyone before mitt romney takes office unless there's some kind of a deal. all he has to do is veto any kind of agreement. charlie, norah? >> bill plante thanks. as we saw in the debates, the killing of ambassador chris stevens, has become part of the presidential race. his father said that he hates that his son's death would be political football. and in her first interview, his mother talks to ben tracy and what the government is tell inging her about her son's death. >> my name is chris stevens and i'm the new u.s. ambassador to libya.
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>> reporter: the world now knows chris stevens as a fierce ambassador. >> i was thrilled to watch the libyan people stand up and demand their rights. >> reporter: yet mary commanday knew him simply as her son. >> he was a cheerful positive-thinking person. and he was intelligent enough to know how to balance that with doing good work. >> how much did you worry about his safety? >> i asked him about it. i said it looks pretty danger ous over there, chris. he said, well -- he said he had bodyguards and he trusted his bodyguards. >> defer express any concerns about his own personal safety? >> no. >> never? >> he said they went run runing -- they go running with me. they're always around. >> reporter: but that security she thought was enough is now in question. stevens and three other americans were killed when terrorists attacked the consulate in benghazi on september 11th. >> you don't turn national security into a political issue. >> reporter: during tuesday's presidential debate the killings in libya became a
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heated argument. mitt romney said the obama administration misled the american people by first saying the attack was part of a spontaneous demonstration. >> was very clear this was not a demonstration. this was an attack by terrorists. and this calls into question the president's whole policy in the middle east. >> the suggestion that anybody on my team whether secretary of state or u.n. ambassador anybody on my team would play politics or mislead when we've lost four of our own, governor is offensive. >> reporter: the mother of sean smith, also killed in the attack added fuel to the fire when she told cnn's anderson cooper that she does not trust what little the administration is telling her. >> i look at tv and see bloody handprints on walls thinking my god, is this my son's? i don't know if he was shot. i don't know -- i don't know. they haven't told me anything. they're still studying it. and the things that they are
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telling me are just outright lies. >> i don't think it's productive to lay blame on people. >> mary commanday doesn't want to talk about the politics surrounding her son's death. the family held a memorial service in san francisco this week to remember ambassador stevens, even though they don't yet fully understand exactly how he died. >> my big brother, my best friend, i'll see you next time. >> reporter: are you getting any sort of update or communication from the white house? >> no. >> reporter: nothing? >> uh-uh. >> reporter: do you feel like your questions have been answered? >> you have to know something about something in order to have questions about it. and i don't know enough really to ask questions. >> reporter: and how much does it matter to you to know? >> reporter: well it doesn't bring him back does it? >> reporter: for her this is not about politics. it's about a mother, losing her son. for "cbs this morning," ben
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tracy, oakland. and lance armstrong's crumble ing crumbling public image took its biggest hit yet on wednesday. a string of sponsors announced they are effectively firing him. the most important one, nike says that armstrong misled the company about steroids and other drug use. here with the story, good morning. >> good morning, norah, good morning, charlie. tour de france victories were fueled, the allegations are by performance-enhanced drugs. sponsors announced they were terminating their agreement ss. for more than a decade, armstrong's livestrong and nike rolled as one, raising more than $100 million in the global fight against cancer. as the legendary cycleist continues to fall from grace, they've broken apart. armstrong said he was stepping down after five years to spare
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the foundation any negative effects as a result of controversy surrounding my cycling career. leaving its future an open question. livestrong spokesperson katherine mcclane. >> of course we're concerned. that's why lance made the announcement he made today, stepping away as chairman and allowing new leadership to steer this foundation. >> reporter: livestrong has raised nearly half a million dollars, and helped more than 2 million cancer survivors around the world. at the end of 2011 it had an excess of $100 million in assets. the foundation says its primary purpose is not to raise money for cancer research but to help anyone affected by cancer through a variety of free services including resolving employment and insurance problems, while at the same time raising global awareness through summits, merchandise sales and marketing. in 2010, nike signed a five-year
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deal for at least $7.5 million in profits from its iconic livestrong brand into the foundation. nike said it would continue to support foundation initiatives, but due to the seemingly insurmountable evidence that lance armstrong participated in doping and misled nike for more than a decade it had no choice but to terminate its endorsement contract. within hours two other major sponsors anheuser-busch and the bike company, trekk said they were out as well. set to celebrate its 15th anniversary this weekend. in a statement armstrong said he and his family plan to continue their service to the foundation and the cancer community, but there's no question at least in the short term, livestrong's motto, unity is strength will be tested. >> armen keteyian thank you.
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young people threw gas bombs and rocks at police this morning. police responded with tear gas. they're holding a 23-hour strike today across the country, protest to new budget cuts. it is time to show you this morning's headlines around the globe. "new york times" reports mayor michael bloomberg has started a super pac. billionaire new york mayor expects to spend up to $15 million to influence state, local and congress ionional races. he will donate to any candidates who support his favorite policies, such as same-sex marriage and tougher gun laws. >> the los angeles times has found a pattern in men expeled from the boy scouts as suspected child molesters. many suspects lavished the boys were attention favors and gifts in a gradual seduction. >> violent crime rate rose 17% nationwide last year reversing a recent trend. justice department survey says much of last year's increase comes from serious and simple assault cases. they were up 22%. >> "the wall street journal"
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says u.s. home construction is at its highest level in four years. the commerce department said the number of new homes rose 15% in september. they are up nearly 35% from a year ago. economists say that could boost job creation and spur economic growth. >> and the morning herald says helping to rescue a sailor on tuesday, air canada flight passenger and crews were told to look out for a damaged sailboat off the coast of sydney australia. they
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the sun just coming up on a glorious day ahead. sunshine to the coastline. temperatures all over the map. 44 in santa rosa, but 61 in san rafael. 65 degrees in pacifica. and 53 degrees in san jose. this afternoon back into the 70s at the coast. 80s inside the bay even low 90s inland. big changes cooling down for the weekend. rain next week. >> this national weather report sponsored by merced enz. the best or nothing. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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>> if fda tells some cosmetic companies their ads for skin care bruise are pushing the legal limit. this morning we'll look at the fight against wrinkles and why the government is stepping in. a post-season slump leaves the yankees in turmoil and baseball's high stakes player on the bench. >> i'm not happy about it. you come to the ballpark hoping to help the team in win. >> there's talk a-rod could be on his way out of town. we'll ask if the yankees "this morning". >> this portion of cbs "this morning" is sponsored by the makers of centrum. always your most complete. and it's now the most doctor recommended,
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. it's 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. get you updated now on some bay area headlines. a criminal investigation under way in castro valley where a body was found inside a burning house just after midnight last night. the alameda county sheriff's office said the death is considered suspicious at this time. and they continue to investigate. the bay area is still buzzing after a cosmic light show last night. a car-sized meteor streaked across the sky followed by a supersonic boom. the space rock's bright multicolored tail could be seen as far away as sacramento. smog alerts believe meteorite remnants are in the hills of martinez. traffic and weather coming up after the break. rry! the best rest event ends soon at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's
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sleep ♪ good morning. traveling southbound 101 into san francisco it's a slow ride.
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there's an accident approaching cesar chavez blocking one lane. 280 is not too bad but again 101 really stacking up towards the central freeway. elsewhere towards the bay bridge a busy morning. the metering lights are turned on about 15 minutes earlier than typical. there was an earlier traffic alert on the san mateo bridge which also caused commuters to find alternates. so right now it's stacked up into the macarthur maze. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> all right. gorgeous weather around the bay area. lots of sunshine outside all the way to the coastline looking good. over russian hill toward the coast, nice and clear right now. going to stay that way all day. these temperatures all over the map. it's chilly in the north bay valleys in the mid-40s but pacifica 65 degrees right now so you get you caught up with some bay area headlines now. the offshore winds -- so you get the idea, offshore winds are blowing. 80s inside the bay, 90s in the valleys. next couple of days fog returns to the coast a chance of rain returns monday and tuesday. what's that? when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank.
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oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters.
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>> the final flight of a german military plane almost turned into a disaster. the c-160 approached the runway too low on tuesday, landing gear touched down on a road next to the airfield missing the crowd by a few feet. it bounced off the road and ended up landing safely. welcome to cbs "this morning." years ago door-to-door saleswomen would ring your bell and say avon calling. now government regulators are calling avon another cosmetic company. >> they are accused of making product claims that go too far. >> great for technology. >> reporter: listening to the advertisements you would think today's skin care products were bottled at the fountain of youth. >> avon break through ten years in the making. >> reporter: as the war against
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wrinkles become more scientific complex the promises become bolder. but now the food and drug administration is cracking down sending warning letters to at least four companies including avon and lancome threatening to block sales or even seize their products if they don't tone down their ads. dermatologist dr. tina alster used to be a consultant for lancome. >> it's surprising they didn't react to these claims before. >> reporter: the fda looked the other way for years as companies puffed up claims about their cosmetics. propelled by baby boomers, sales of anti-wrinkle potions last year were almost $3 billion. and youth in a bottle doesn't
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come cheap. this one goes for $68 for just two-thirds of an ounce or approximately one and 1/3 tablespoon. avon and lancome are working with the fda to resolve the issue. they believe the companies will give in and tone down their ads because the alternative means losing millions of dollars while the fda decides if these anti-ageing products are cosmetics or drugs. for cbs "this morning," chip reid, washington. >> the fda sent a letter to avon on tuesday. the company has 15 days to respond. >> now to the growing battle over the length between vitamins and fighting cancer. nearly half of all adults in the u.s. take vitamins. a new study claims a deadly multivitamin can help men 50 and over avoid cancer. the study from boston brick hall and young hospital says it can help present cancer.
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but the authors is not telling you something. he's the author of "the end of illness," published by simon and shuster, a division of cbs. doctor, is take a multivitamin a good idea? >> eating a great diet is good idea. eating real food is a good idea. i hate to pour cold water on things. if you look closely at this study, 14,000 doctors stew did, 13 of whom had cancer going in. only the ones who previously had cancer. a normal individual you always have to say to your self a normal individual will not benefit from take a multivitamin a day. that being said there are a number of studies done showing harm taking higher dose vitamins. vitamin e can cause prostate cancer. vitamin a can increase lung cancer in smokers. eat real food. >> multiwill minutes that you buy over-the-counter do they have the kind of excess you're
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talking about that would have the consequences that you're suggesting? >> no. slightly less than those. not dramatically less but less. again there's no data that multivitamins will -- >> don't take multivitamins. >> yes. >> don't take multivitamins not to have reduced chances of cancer. >> over 50 randomized studies in history none have shown a benefit yet. i'm happy to change when there's a real study but don't change your behavior. eat real food. people use vitamins as a crutch. instead of eating real food they take that pill. >> multivitamins can be a supplement that some people -- but the most important thing is what you're doing on a daily basis. not smoking. using sunscreen. you're talking about the type of food you eat will have the biggest impact on whether you can prevent cancer. what kinds of food? >> eat a regular diet on a
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regular schedule. meals at the same time every day. well-rounded foop. fresh food or frozen food. keep down your transfats. think before you eat. there's things that have been shown to prevent cancer. low dose aspirin. exercising moving during the day. it works. dramatic decrease in health wrobs when you move. >> sugar? >> sugar in moderation is fine. high glycemic index is bad. sugar once in a while -- >> doctors come to this set and say sugar is the problem. unless you stop sugar you'll have diabetes. >> the biggest cause of diabetes, 81% increase of diabetes within a regular schedule when you eat or snack during the day, big bowls of sugar they are right it's bad four. having sugar in moderation is fine. ate big part of our environment and diet. >> just don't take too many multivitamins.
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>> eat real food don't take pills. it's not rocket science. we spend more in our country on these supplements than medical research. >> i do take a multivitamin. but i also eat healthy and i take them every once in a while. >> how many friends have scurvy or berry-berry. >> i have friends with iron deficiencies. >> what's the most important vitamin to take >> real food. >> how about vitamin c? >> people take vitamin c, increase -- eat cold water fish. don't take a pill. >> all right. i think we've been told what to do this morning. thank you. very good to see you. >> mythe yankees didn't lose last night but rained out. the team is almost out of the playoffs and a-rod is out of the lineup. we'll see if he might be out of
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chili's lunch break combos start at just 6 bucks. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks at chili's.
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this fight was over before it began. as fox trumpeted romney smokes obama in pre-debate coin tosses. coin toss? always a huge part of the debate since the lincoln-douglas rock paper scissors debate went on for hours. to settle it they flipped a penny. lincoln won by calling me. >> after winning more games than any american league team the new york yankees are on the verge of being swept out of playoffs. they are fighting a team wide batting slump including the high profifl alex rodriguez and folks are asking is this yet another
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bronx fail. >> there is trouble brewing in the bronx for the team with the $200 million payroll as the yankees and tigers battle for the american league crown. >> and the detroit tigers have come to yankee stadium and taken the first two. >> yankees fans have watched their powerful team come back all year and most thought that they would almost certainly turn things around. but what turned instead was derek jeter's ankle and with their team leader long a second loss to detroit felt especially ominous. >> yes jeter went down but the yankees can win. but they won't win if they play like this. >> alex rodriguez, baseball's highest paid player and a frequent lightning rod for unhappy fans was stuck in a horrible batting slump that the $29 million man was benched and sports talk shows turned up the heat. >> a-rod's legacy is right in front of us.
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he sits on the bench for the rest of this series. he might as well never come back to this town again. >> to make matters worse the "new york post" called rodriguez flirting with supermodels in the stands while his teammates flirted with disaster on the field. >> i've never addressed anything from gossip columns. we're here to cover baseball and, you know, i do think some of the criticism out there is very fair and i can live with that. but some of the other stuff is not fair. >> it's not clear whether rodriguez plays or sits for today's game but one thing is certain, one more loss and it will be a very long winter for these boys of summer. >> lynn zinser wrote the new york yankees were fast forwarding right to panic. she joins us now. what's the problem? >> well the yankees got old.
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not that that was really a moment year thing but it's sort of like how are you hair gets too long in one day. it takes a long time for it happen but you only notice it at once. it was that moment when derek jeter went down with an ankle injury. once the captain was gone it showed everybody what had been going on with this team over time. they had invested in some high priced free agents. and really kind of put all of their eggs in these big and when they all came up empty at once, it just kind of showed the progression of this team and where they're at. >> but a-rod is a great player. what's happened to his game to his hitting? >> well that's a $30 million-a-year question really that everybody would love to know. >> i mean you pay that kind of money for people to perform, like reggie said to be the boys of october. >> clearly. and in 2009, he was the boy of october, as kind of the one season he's hanging his hat on.
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he's never been a great producer in the postseason, other than that one year. before that world series, everybody remembers, you know his failures in the postseason, and that was sort of his redemption. but no, there's really no explanation, and it's not just a-rod. i mean, a-rod clearly is on the down side. he's on the other side of his prime and going down. and players like him who were performance-enhancing drug users, sometimes that downside gets very steep. >> there seems to be a lot of animosity directed toward a-rod, not just in the press and with fans, but also donald trump. what is it about him? >> well -- >> i mean a-rod, not donald trump. >> yeah, well, okay, that's another topic for another day. a-rod is just, he's a symbol. he's the highest paid player in the game with the longest contract, and he has always sort of fumbled in that spotlight. he's never been totally comfortable. i think, you know he just makes choices, like doing a photo
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shoot, you know where he's kissing himself in the mirror that are just wrong and just rub people wrong for a guy in his spot. so, he tends to sort of just you know absorb a lot of people's angst. >> this is her question. was he throwing balls into the stands? >> because that's what we really want to know. who was he trying to pick up? [ laughter ] >> well i did not witness the ball-throwing. i can't actually confirm that happening, but it would be the least surprising thing about any of this is that a ballplayer hitting on women in the stands. that's really completely unsurprising. >> is this the bottom line, the yankees need to rebuild? >> they completely need to rebuil
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>> it is a giant leap in technology. straight out of signs fiction. 3-d printers are copy machines that let you build almost anything. that can be good and bad. we'll show you what people are
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making. that's next on cbs "this morning". ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] he could be the one. soulmate. husband. loving father to your children. but first you've got to get him to say, "hello." new crest 3d white arctic fresh toothpaste. use it with these 3d white products, and whiten your teeth in just 2 days. what will a 3d white smile do for you? new crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do.
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fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage before they stop you. these are craisins dried cranberries, they're sweet! i put them in cookies, cereal, salads, and this is my famous cranberry baked brie. mmm, craisins make this so yummy. you double-dipped. i know -- it's so good. [ female announcer ] now there's a way to make just about anything delicious. introducing new jif chocolate flavored hazelnut spread. whatever you put it on... reaches a whole new level of deliciousness. choosy moms choose jif. ancr: at jennie-o we think some things are worth getting
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up early for like a better breakfast so on august eighth we woke up a sleepy town to show that eating well can be easy and delicious with jennie-o turkey bacon and sausage cooked thoroughly to 165 definitely very good it's excellent this is delicious makes me want to eat breakfast more it's time for a better breakfast i can't stop eating this make the switch look for jennie-o at a store near you last night mitt romney said when he was looking to hire a female he would browse through binders full of women. [ laughter ] yeah. romney said he got the idea from tom cruise. >> well the late night comics and social media having a field day. that binder full of women remark has inspired some criticism and a lot of jokes. >> we'll show you the things
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people are saying from the internet to late night television right here on cbs "this morning". [ male announcer ] at p.f. chang's, we serve more than starters. we serve igniters. and now, so can you. introducing succulent dumplings and crispy spring rolls. ignite the night with p.f. chang's home menu appetizers. find them near our frozen meals. we saw that last tide commercial with the parents and the cute little baby triplets... well wait until your triplets move back home after college. we were enjoying our empty nest. and now it's just a nest full of laundry. lucky underwear. we were going through so much of that bargain detergent... and the clothes didn't look as good. but since we switched to tide, we use much less. their clothes are looking much more...uh... what's the word? clean? employable. [ female announcer ] one cap of tide gives you more cleaning power than 6 caps of the bargain brand. [ mom ] that's my tide what's yours? ♪ ♪ the freshenator. the buddy system. the do si go. the two-handed tango.
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el cleaño. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. try it. then name it. don't hide behind your lipstick. use it to show the world how you feel. and today, i feel daring. [announcer:] revlon super lustrous lipstick. mega moisturizing formula in 82 stay true colors. [ female announcer ] with the 2-in-1 swiffer sweeper, a great clean doesn't have to take long. i'm done. are you thinking what i'm thinking? ♪
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give me just a little more time ♪ okay. all right. oh! [ female announcer ] the 2-in-1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to clean better than a broom. and its wet mopping cloths can clean better than a mop in half the time so you don't miss a thing. mom, have you seen my -- hey! hey! he did it. [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back.
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sleep train's best rest event is ending soon. don't miss your chance to get sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for 3 years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train's risk-free 100-day money back guarantee. but the best rest event ends soon at sleep train. superior service best selection lowest price guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, everyone. it is 7:56 on a thursday. i'm frank mallicoat. >> last night's cosmic light show may just be the beginning this week. there were reports from much of northern california of fireballs streaking across the sky. experts believe remnants are now scattered outside of martinez in the hills there. they say the spectacle all part of a meteor shower which will peak from sundown saturday through sunrise on sunday. you might want to check it out. >> historic radar tower will remain atop mount umunum for at least five more years. the agency overseeing the site is allowing time to raise money to repair the old landmark. the long- term plan is to turn the mountaintop into a park with sweeping views of san jose and the santa clara valley. it was decided the almaden air
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force station from 1957 to 1980. we have traffic and weather on this thursday coming up.
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gridlock in walnut creek on 680 stacking up to concord from street boulevard a second accident in the northbound direction. so all lanes open southbound 101 approaching cesar chavez. san mateo bridge stacked up in the westbound lanes. that's traffic. here's lawrence. >> beautiful weather around the bay area. nice start to the day. clear skies all the way to the coastline. yeah, looking from our mount vaca cam a little haze in the atmosphere otherwise looking good. 50s in santa rosa mid-70s in pacifica. this afternoon 70s at the coast, 80s inside the bay, 90s in the valleys, cooler weather on friday, rain next week. captions by: caption colorado
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♪ it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the presidential candidates keep hitting each other hard hoping to attract votes from women. and we'll talk to ted turner about the campaign and his 15-year effort to give away $1 billion. but first, here's a look at what's happening in the world and what we've been covering on "cbs this morning." he comes here with the purpose of committing some sort of jihad here in the united states. >> the justice department announced an fbi sting operation that disrupted a plot to blow up the new york federal reserve. >> a suspect from bangladesh is being held without bail. >> this was a dark and bold plot to unleash a massive explosion.
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>> but from almost the start, the co-conspirators were working with the fbi. governor romney's reference to binders full of women has democrats on the attack and republicans pushing back. >> romney meant to say binders of women's resumes, but that was a pretty important word that he left out, and let me tell you, it took off like wildfire. >> how much did you worry about his safety? >> i asked him about it. i said it must be pretty dangerous over there, chris. he said he had bodyguards and he trusted his bodyguards. the fda tells some cosmetics companies their adds for skin care are crossing the environment. >> so don't take so many vitamins. >> eat more food take less pills, it's not rocket science. >> and a plane nearly misses a crowd. >> that's the $30 million-a-year question, i think. >> next week larry king will moderate a debate between third-party candidates, the first debate he's moderated since the one between kaine and
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abel. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. president obama and mitt romney aggressively reaching out to women voters in critical battleground states. both candidates hammered away wednesday at issues important to women, such as fair pay and funding for planned parenthood. they also said they're looking forward to one last debate. >> now as many of you know we had our second debate last night. you know i'm still trying to figure out you know, how to get the hang of this thing, debating. but we're working on it you know. we'll keep on improving as time goes on. i've got one left. >> now, i have to be honest with you, i love these debates, you know. these things are great. and i think it's interesting that the president still doesn't have an agenda for a second term. don't you think that has time
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for him to finally put together a vision of what he'd do in the next four years if he were elected? i mean he's got to come up with that over this weekend because there's only one debate left on monday. >> meanwhile, for two days now, we've been talking about romney's binders full of women debate comment, and seth doane reports that it's still going strong on the internet and also on late-night tv. >> but his policy toward women is clear, we have to alphabetize them. >> reporter: that binder remark sure made for an easy target in late-night. >> why are we talking about lady issues in the town hall, okay? save it for the sadie hawkins debate, when the girls are supposed to do the asking. >> reporter: mitt romney's now-infamous phrase came out of tuesday's debate. >> i went to a number of women's groups and said can you help us find folks? and they brought us whole binders full of women. >> reporter: it was an albeit odd excerpt of romney's explanation of how as massachusetts governor, he went out of his way to hire women for
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his cabinet. but in a supercharged world of social media, and yes, easy clipart programs you got this a virtual binder joke bonanza. in one, former president clinton appeared with the words "did someone say binders full of women"? another featuring the secretary of state read "nobody puts hillary in a binder." ♪ >> reporter: a song by beyonce even inspired one that read "better put three rings on it." the lowly binder all of a sudden, got comments on including "this product might be sufficient for smaller projects, but i was looking for a binder that could be made full of women." and as you might expect companies tried to capitalize on this craze. one airline offered binders full of sales, noting "women will love them!" on twitter, a conservative binder backlash unfolded. "time" magazine's mark halperin tweeted "dem attempts to make this binder thing into a deal is
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freakshow." another tweet read, "really? binders? arsenal must be running low." ♪ binders full of women ♪ >> reporter: still, binder songs were uploaded to youtube, and even an internet game featured a binder-wielding romney. binders haven't been this popular since grade school and that whole big bird thing -- >> it's me big bird. >> reporter: -- seems so two weeks ago. for "cbs this morning," seth doane, new york. >> i would just like to point out that we also have our binders every morning full of research papers yeah. >> no i think it's going to be the joke that keeps on giving. i really do. >> yeah. >> to be continued, for sure. >> but can i say, one of these kinds of things, they happen and whether it's fair unfair maybe mitt romney misspoke, they then generate a discussion about other things, which is the gaffe that was taking place in massachusetts about women in senior positions, because this is what this is about. there was a group, math gap,
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that was formed in order to get women in charge of senior positions, and the head of that group was on a conference call organized by democrats yesterday that said romney never requested binders full of women. they actually provided those binders on their own because they wanted more women in senior positions. >> which would change the whole tone of that discussion. >> absolutely. >> i thought it was interesting that jan said he meant to say binders of resumes of different women, which would also bring a different context. do you have your binders, charlie rose? >> no my point is smart men simply listen to smart women. >> charlie. >> take notes, mr. rose take notes. secretary of state hillary clinton is once again facing the question -- speaking of smart women -- will she run for president in four years? she's now telling "marie claire" magazine, "i am not. i really want to just have my own time back. i want to just be my own person. i'm looking forward to that. i hope to be around when we finally elect a woman president. that would be a great experience for me to be up there cheering."
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i know a lot of people are thinking, let hillary rest for three or four years. >> what she said changes nothing. get some rest and decide later what her future is. "newsweek" is making news this morning, announcing it is going all digital at the end of the year. "newsweek" has been published for the last 80 years. the magazine says it will expand its online presence. job cuts are expected. and if you've been watching prime time tv you may have noticed something with the naked eye. there are a lot of men without shirts! i think we should bring this to morning tv. okay. >> you're on a roll this morning. >> i am on a roll don't you think? okay, let's keep going. from cbs's "elementary" to "beauty and the beast" to "chicago fire," there are a lot of actors now flashing their skin. the reason producers say, women watch the most television. >> may i ask what you had in mind when you said bring that -- you mean tony? we should see tony with his shirt off? i'm just curious.
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i want to get it straight. >> you know we can work on this. let me put together a binder full of men i'd like to see. >> all right. >> insert foot in mouth. >>
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have you ever heard of 3d printing? some people say it could change our lives as much as electricity. we'll meet one family who's using it to give their daughter a better life. that's coming up next on "cbs this morning." ♪
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[ male announcer ] centrum has been a leader in multivitamins for over 30 years. and it's now the most doctor recommended, the most preferred and among the most studied. so when it comes to getting the most out of your multivitamin, the choice is clear. centrum. always your most complete. jenna shared her recipe with sharon who emailed it to emily who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasn't quite the same. the recipe's not the recipe... ohhh. [ female announcer ] ...without swanson. the broth cooks trust most when making soup. mmmm! [ female announcer ] the secret is swanson. i'm bonnie, and this is my cvs. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d, done!
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hand sanitizer, done! hey, eric! i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. whether it's flu shots or prescriptions we continue to accept express scripts and medco plans. i'm bonnie, and this is my cvs.
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♪ 3d printing is a groundbreaking technology that lets people build almost anything they can think of. imagine a copy machine that makes actual things not pictures of them. >> but like most technologies it can be used in positive and negative ways. as jeff glor reports, the limits are already being tested. good morning to you, jeff glor.
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>> gayle, good morning to you. 3d printing has been discussed in pretty monumental terms with good reason. it can essentially turn your living room into a factory floor. it's already making lives better and raising complex legal issues. what you are seeing right now shouldn't be happening. 4-year-old emma lavelle was born with a rare joint and muscle disease that makes it impossible for her to lift her arms. that changed when this came along. it's a mechanical harness called rex that gives emma the upward motion. she only has to push down. >> emma's entering a stage where she's becoming more -- wanting to become so independent, and rex does that for her. >> reporter: i've seen you describe this as her magic arms. >> yeah, they are. they really are. nice job em that's heavy! >> reporter: emma rex got this at a children's hospital in delaware where they designed and
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used produced it using a 3d printer. when you first heard 3d printer. >> i knew very little about it but these guys are geniuses! look what they've built for my daughter. >> some of the metal rexs that we were building before would take me about nine months to build one rex. >> reporter: and now it takes how long? >> a week. >> reporter: 3d printing the process of literally sculpting tangible objects from a digital model was once science fiction, but it's quickly becoming a mainstream phenomenon. map it out on the computer send it to the printer, watch it go. from medical devices, jewelry and toys to shoes. >> these are fun. >> reporter: if you can think of it, they can likely do it. the t-shirts in the store here say "i can make anything." >> yeah. >> reporter: anything? >> yeah, so there's a few limitations, but they're not limitations for creative people. >> reporter: bre pettis founded makerbot, a company that's now selling 3d printers in stores. >> it just changes the people
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think. it's a culture shift as much as it is a technology shift. >> reporter: that said $2,200 it's not cheap. >> you know, when you compare it to what these cost on an industrial scale, it's absurdly cheap. >> reporter: it is not hard to see why this opens a whole new world, both helpful, and at times controversial. >> we will have the reality of a weapons system that can be printed out from your desk. >> reporter: cody wilson a university of texas law student, wants to use a 3d printer to make a gun, even looking for online donations to fund what he calls his wiki weapon project. he leased a 3d printer and was prepared to share a 3d gun file online, until the company that made his machine took it away saying "it is the legal responsibility of stratasys not to knowingly allow its property to be used for illegal purposes." >> i said, you know what we're doing doesn't require a license and we're answering these questions. we're not going to do anything that's against the law, but they said that they weren't
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interested in a legal debate. >> reporter: for the lavelle family, there was no debate and no down side. emma's been using rex since she was 18 months old, the youngest ever. the 3d printing allows the hospital to make new ones so she never outgrows hers. does rex help you do things that you couldn't do before? >> yes. >> reporter: it does? >> it helps me play in my kitchen. >> reporter: so, you can lift things? >> and lift heavy stuff up. >> reporter: can you think back and see where she is now -- >> oh, it's incredible. it's unbelievable. and every single thing we do it's like therapy for her. i'm sorry. we look at each other and say, how did we do that? how did we even make this happen? so, to know now she's this independent little person, she's come far, such a long way. >> she has. i see why emma's mom gets so upset, because it literally
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changes her daughter's life in a way they didn't think possible. >> she's an extraordinary little girl. her condition will not get worse, but she has the potential to get better with these devices that can train her muscles and joints to a certain extent. >> i'm still trying to wrap my brain around exactly what i just saw. >> yeah. >> so it can duplicate -- >> everyone else is too. >> duplicate anything, jeff? >> conceiveablyconceivably, yes, it can duplicate just about anything. these machines will get better and better and as we go along, that's why some of these legal issues will be explored more and more. but we talked to engineers, we talked to lawyers, we talked to doctors about this. every single person says, look, this is a whole new world. >> yeah. >> and so you know the law will change likely because of it. there will be lawsuits. if somebody tries to make something that somebody's already making there's a patent on it whatever else. it's just a lot that needs to be explored. they are just at the very beginning, but it's a fascinating business to talk about. >> fascinating story.
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thank you. >> can we duplicate charlie rose? >> i hope so. >> i'm going for that. charlie, are you having a good day? thank you, jeff glor. >> are we double-teaming him now? >> oh, boy. >> triple. triple. as a young man, ted turner was called the mouth of the south. he's still outspoken, but his favorite causes we'll talk about after the break -- business the election, his billion-dollar pledge to help the united nations, on "cbs this morning." hen "cbs this morning" continues. nations. that's next on cbs "this morning".
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♪ >> going out for a nice quiet bike ride and this happens. these dogs confront ad cyclist in greece and the dogs -- look at them they just keep coming and coming. >> does he have meat?
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>> i
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning. it's 8:25. i'm frank mallicoat with your cbs 5 headlines. oakland is thinking of contracting with outside law enforcement agencies now to increase police presence in the city streets. city officials are considering paying for sheriff's deputies and highway patrol officers to work in oakland for several months. crime in the city is up and there are 200 fewer officers than there were just four years ago. a livermore man is the first person in alameda county to be treated for the west nile virus this year. county officials say he first reported symptoms in late september and is currently recovering. this brings the total number of cases in california to 277. and later this morning bay area students will drop and cover. it's all part of the "great california shake-out." it teaches the proper
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techniques to prevent injuries during the next big earthquake. emergency crews will also practice their disaster response plan. >> and we have a baseball game, giants and cardinals game 4 this afternoon. traffic and weather next.
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good morning. the commute is still sort of a mess in parts of contra costa county because of a couple of
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different accidents including one at southbound 680 at treat and walnut creek and a new one involving a big rig southbound 242 through concord. so as you can see from the live drive time sensors it's backing up towards highway 4. gridlock through antioch. all the way towards the east bay now, and the -- the nimitz, rather, this is a live look at oakland near the oakland coliseum. and it is slow going on northbound 880 all the way up towards downtown oakland. there is also an accident hayward northbound 880 approaching winton. so it's a slow ride all the way straight up towards the macarthur maze. that is traffic. here's lawrence. >> sometimes when i'm driving to work early in the morning i don't know which road i'm on, either. [ laughter ] >> lots of sunshine clear to the coastline, mid-60s already. by the afternoon it's a beach day 70s. rain next week.
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welcome to cbs "this morning." it takes most of this program to list all the things ted turner has done. let's focus on this. 15 years ago he made a historic billion dollar pledge to the united nations foundation, the founder of turner broadcasting has been re-inventing himself in recent years. the current issue of southern seasons magazine calls him the
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first man of philanthropy. we'll talk about your life and then philanthropy. you've done a lot there and making significant contributions to a whole range of issues especially the u.n. tell me on this life that you have lived as an entrepreneur as a sailor what has brought you the most pride? the most satisfaction? >> my family. my family comes first. if you don't make a success of raising your family it's hard to be a success at anything. >> you're wearing a tie there which is a u.n. tie. and it's about the rotarians. >> if you're in rotary international you can get one. >> your dad was a rotarian. >> yes, so was i. >> sore you. does he remain the most significant influence on your life? >> he's been gone a long time. it's really hard to judge that. i don't know. >> when you talk about family
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beyond family cnn today -- >> absolutely. my business accomplishments, i would say cnn was the most significant -- >> everybody has an opinion about cnn today. >> yeah. >> what does ted turner think about cnn today? >> there's a lot i like about it. and there are a few things i would change like anybody else would. i like to see more emphasis myself on hard news and international news and a little less fluff. but that's just me. >> but that's what you made cnn in, to a crowning achievement was the iraq war. >> we were the only 24 hour news network and we could, we could take a centrist serious position and everybody loved it.
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>> steve jobs told me when he had left apple the first time that he knew what to do about it. and you know what to do about cnn. if you were there now you would focus on hard news. who would you choose to run it? >> i don't know. i haven't -- there's no point in me speculating on that. i think a lot. i read a lot. i study a lot. i have 30 things that i can have an influence over. i don't have an influence over cnn. >> is that a big regret for you >> yes, of course it is. >> that you sold it? >> i did. i didn't think i was selling it but i got maneuvered out of it. time warner i had 10% of the stock of time warner after the merger. i really got, took over time warner. but when we merged with aol i was dieluted down 3%. >> that was one of your worse days in your life.
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>> yes. >> john malone old friend and adversary. >>er with never an adversary. >> he was there for you when you needed help. >> that's right. i was there for him. >> he's now buying land. he'll compete with you as a landowner. >> that's fine. let him compete with me with philanthropy. >> that's a good one. >> i could have bought more land if i hadn't given that money away. >> the issues that you care about is nuclear proliferation, population and some other issues. >> global climate change and preservation of the environment. >> do you hear those issues being discussed in this political cain? >> not enough. >> what do you think of the two candidates this year? >> well two of our best men. they both are smart and attractive and i think either one of them will do a pretty decent job. i have my feelings about -- i'm -- >> what has happened to you? you sound so mellow.
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>> i don't take political oppositions. as chairman of cnn -- >> you're not a chairman of cnn any more. >> that's right. >> you're a public citizen that has no reason to say -- >> like obama's policies better. >> why? >> because he's more environmental, i think. romneyten too close to the coal and oil industries. that's basically -- and i think obama is better on the environment. and better as far as -- i think he truly really wants to end the wars. i think the wars have our our country more than anything else and first of all the two wars over there have cost us $2 trillion and that's a good bit of the increase in our national debt. i don't think we need to have a
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military that's bigger than all the rest of the military budgets of the world put together 15 times as much as the budget of china or russia. i think that's wrong and it's wasteful. and i think it's time that people started getting along with one another and treating each other with dignity, respect and friendliness the way you and i do with everybody. and try even make the world work and pull together rather than all this conflict. and the conflict even goes to the debates. i think congressmen and senators and certainly presidents deserve our respect and they deserve to be treated respectfully. >> what happened? that's not the atmosphere in washington. >> well that's why -- it upsets me. i would like to see us go back to where the republicans and democrats put americans first and members of their party
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second. rather than the other way around. >> you toyed with the idea of running once. you said you didn't do it because jane said she would leave you. >> right. we split up anyway. without a first lady you can't run anyway. you can't run -- >> that's the ted i know. >> you can't run for president. >> but do you regret not doing it, though even though you split up? it's not a reason. new can't do everything. i didn't really have the political background. i had a business background. >> that's what romney says is his main qualification for the office. >> well you know what else is he going to say because he has a business background. that's a position he's got to take that position. but i don't because i'm not a candidate. >> we're sitting here at cbs and there was a moment in your life that you thought you might be sitting -- >> when i walked by coming down
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the block, i said ♪ this nearly was mine ♪ >> it came how close? you really wanted it? >> yeah. >> at that time. >> at one time or another i had a hand shake deal on all three of the networks not at the same time but at different times. >> and that was the ambition you had built this cable empire. >> at that time. it would have been good. it would have moved the company up a level and we would have stayed ahead of the curve. but the cable networks all of them the cartoon network are doing extremely well. >> i hear people talk about saying cable has seen its best years. >> you think the internet is the next thing? >> yes. >> some people think that. >> netflix and others doing what you did on cable that made you what you are today. you programmed in a way that led to the explosion of cable. >> yes. >> right? >> yeah. >> that's what did you.
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>> then there was tnt, turner classic movies cartoon network, headline news. a lot of networks. >> the yankees. >> the yankees. >> you own the braves. >> that's right. >> what's wrong with the yankees? what's wrong with the yankees? >> like the television business now that i'm out of baseball you know for 20 years i was the owner of the braves and i went to virtually every game and i lived, breathed and died baseball and in a way it's a relief to be able to work on problems at the u.n. and not have to worry about the problems on baseball. >> we'll talk about that in the next segment. you said you want the inscription on your tomb stone to be -- >> i'm not going to be buried. i'm going to be cremated. one of them was you can't
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interview here. and i have nothing more to say. >> can't imagine that. >> well when you're dead you don't have anything more to say. >> why did you decide to be correct maid. >> my ashes will be spread around on my property a little bit. put in a salt shaker. >> take a long time you got a lot of property. it will take him a while. >> you had this wonderful life at sea. >> i'll have some of it in the atlantic ocean and some in the pacific ocean. >> when we come back we'll talk about things that have meant a lot to you in your years today
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♪ ted turner stays with us also kathy calvin ceo of the united nations foundation. that group is celebrating the 15th anniversary of his $1
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billion pledge. >> the foundation says that gift has had a worldwide impact in areas such as women's reits, health and clean energy. welcome to you kathy. >> thank you, gael charlie. >> ted let me start with this. i love this comment from you you say you get excited about your causes. you like elephants and gorillas but if you had to pick one species you would pick women in terms of what you want to support. that sounds so ted turner to me. elaborate please. >> it's true. >> go ahead. >> i like our species. i like people. >> i do too. kathy, why are women's reits so for the foundation? what you aldo. >> ted and the rest of our board said at the very beginning if we didn't invest in women we weren't going to be able to eliminate poverty. what we've seen and i think you know this very well is that when you give a girl a chance to stay in school it delays marriage it delays child birth. when you invest in a woman that
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money stays in her family it goes into her community, it educates her children and we begin to change the world. and that's frankly why we're here. we're not about charity, we're about change and we really want to make a difference and that's why we work with the u.n. >> why did you choose the u.n. ted. you have a lot of places you could have poured the money that you had hard earned. >> only one organization that has the global scale and has a mandate to deal with the whole world and i don't think we're going to -- you're not going to have a few countries with prosperity and the rest of the world all in misery and poverty. that's not going to work. >> half and half doesn't work. >> we're all is going to have to succeed together or we'll all fail together. >> tell us the passion you have and the priorities you have for -- >> my three priorities at the current time are getting rid of nuclear weapons before we have a
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real big disaster an accident or a mad man gets control of them. that's number one. number two, is the environment and global climate change but we have to take better care of the environment. third, we have to stabilized our population, we can't go on adding a billion people every 12 years. of the 7 billion people in the world today -- when i was born in 1938 there were 2 billion people. now there's 3 1/2 times as many and the lifetime of one person. obviously that's unsustainable. we got to -- we got to reach sustainability. we have to save our topsoil. we have to preserve our water. we just can't go on using these -- because these are all all finite resources. >> ted at the time when you do natured the $1 billion, i remember that story, it made national news. people said $1 billion. and today you still say it's the
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best investment you ever made. >> i think so. >> how did you come up with that figure number one and why is that still the best investment? >> $1 billion is about what the aratherer arears to the u.n. and they couldn't pay the peacekeepers. they couldn't pay what they agreed on dues. the u.n. couldn't sue us. i felt bad about that and what i wanted to do was give the billion dollars to the u.n. to pick up the tab for the united states. >> which is pretty colorful. >> that's the part i'm looking for. >> i gave $32 million to the state department to pay our short fall for the dues. i gave my money. >> can i add, gayle the exciting thing about ted's billion, not everybody can't do a billion, but everybody can do something and i think what eve seen with
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ted's gift it changed philanthropy across the board. we've seen big donations from everyone from bill gates to an 8-year-old. ted started this. they are first and everybody else said how can i be a player how can i contribute $10. how can i make sure a girl somewhere else around the girl stays in school. it's a new kind of philanthropy that has started. >> smart things. >> right. >> huge difference. just a little thing. you said about a bed net can change community. >> we're on a goal to end malaria about 2015. we reduced polio to just few cases. measles death by a few percent. united nations works its scale. every sector is involved. not just philanthropy by ted. gates foundation. big companies, you know johnson
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& johnson just announce ad big commitment. this takes everybody not just philanthropists or citizens but the private sector. >> i'm smitten with you ted turner. i'm an admirer for a very long time. when i was talk towing in the green room. you seem so mellow these days. you said you're 74. >> next month. >> you said you're going to turn 74. your happy? is life good for you >> i would like to see us make more progress on the critical issues. we voted at the u.n. to get rid of nuclear weapons at the security council but we haven't gotten rid of them. so it's a complicated issue but it's simple what we need to do. >> charlie asked you about cnn. do you watch tv these days? >> i watch a little cnn. >> do you? >> what am i supposed to do?
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i don't play the guitar. >> you watch jane fonda's show? >> i have watched it. >> she plays a -- >> she play us. >> she plays you. do you like that show >> i like it. jeff daniels was in gettysburg and got the generals and he's star. >> the movie that ted made and felt very strongly about. >> i remember. >> here you go you'll be 74 when in a couple of months. >> in a month. next month. >> what do you want to do before? what is it that -- >> i want to see the world rid of nuclear weapons and then i'll go. >> beyond that what would give you -- >> otherwise i'll day around and hound you to death. >> we have work to do. >> ted will never leave the earth. >> i don't know about that. i'll stay as long as i can, though. >> you can get married for a fourth time.
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>> actually i love being married. >> and you've already said how much you love women. >> that's right. an only marry them one at a time. >> in this society. thank you ted, thank you kathy. >> thank you charlie. >> thanks gayle. >> we'll be right back. you're watching cbs "this morning".
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. that does it for us but first ted turner. what amazes me about him is he did so many interesting things in some different fields. a world class fellow. an entrepreneur. he built the network. >> still committed to changing the world. >> great interview, guys.
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>> up next your local news.
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>> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald goodd morning, 8:55 on a thursday i'm frank mallicoat with your cbs 5 headlines. the bay area still buzzing after that cosmic light show last night around 8:00. a car-sized meteor streaked across the sky followed by a big supersonic boom. the space rocks tail could be seen in sacramento. experts believe meteorite remnants are now scattered outside the hills of martinez and i understand more to come over the weekend. today a former santa clara county pediatrician will appear in a san jose court to face 18 felony drug charges. dr. marvin bonham is accused of trading prescription drugs for cash and methamphetamine. until last week he worked as the medical director for the valley health plan. and after a lengthy rain delay, the giants dropped a pivotable game last night.
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game 3 of the nlcs. the cardinals' matt carpenter had a big home run a two-run shot and they lose it 3-1. st. louis now leads the series two games to one. first pitch for game 4 scheduled today in st. louis 5:00. tim lincecum gets his first start. he has been hot. and oh, yeah, we have the 49ers and the seahawks today at candlestick and with more on that, here's lawrence. >> great weather for the game there. okay for the baseball game, as well. lots of sunshine outside, right now nice and clear a little haze in the atmosphere but high pressure overhead and the offshore winds clearing out the skies nicely. that ridge holding on for one last day and then the temperatures start to cool down but not before we squeeze in one more beach day. 70s at the coast, 80s in the bay, 90s at the valleys. next couple of days the fog returns, we cool down with a sea breeze, maybe some rain as we head into the beginning of next week. "timesaver traffic" coming up next.
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bridge, good. big backups past the coliseum.


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